Choose Turbit Packages
Turbit AI Services give easy access to AI technology as well as pre-built and validated data science pipelines. Energy suppliers profit from AI directly without the risks and usual significant upfront investment in talent and infrastructure.
15 Turbines - 12 months
All Basic Modules
Onboarding included
Monthly CS Meetings
Prepare a Strategic Decision

50 Turbines - 12 months
Wildlife Monitoring
Individual Onboarding
Individual Filters
Weeklies for 3 months
Build AI Monitoring Capabilities

150 Turbines - 12 months
Weeklies for 6 months
Label Prediction
Turbit API
Prepare O&M Transformation

Prepare O&M Transformation
Prepare O&M Transformation

Turbit Modules
Immediate shutdown detection
Detect underperformance
​Long-term power curves monitoring
Loss calculation

Yaw Monitoring
Yaw Error Analysis for fixed environemntal conditions​
3D yaw error plot as a function of dynamic environemntal conditions
Calibration support

Wildlife Monitoring
Monitor Wildlife restrictions, including hysteresis
Monitor sound reductions and sectorial shut-downs
Logic for overlapping and changing restrictions

Rotor Bearing
Temperature monitoring of the rotor bearing​
​Real-time event reporting via e-mail
Technical support

Temperature monitoring of bearings, coolers and oil
Oil pressures monitoring
​Real-time event reporting via e-mail
Technical support

Temperature monitoring of bearings and coolers​
Real-time event reporting via e-mail​
Technical support