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Turbit Open Source
Data Connections and Data Translations


We must make all the wind operation data accessible for AI applications to cope with the rising risk of owning renewable assets and enable faster industry scale.


Open Source is the best way to join forces, ensure transparency, reliability and openess.

With Open Source we solve these two main problems:​

  • The OEMs don't set a holistic data standard (e.g. status codes)

  • There are thousands of edge cases and different data sources and data in all shapes and forms



Why Open Source?


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Turbit Open Source Package


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©2024 Turbit Systems GmbH

The AI operating system for renewables

Turbit is an operating system for live wind park AI monitoring. We give operators and asset managers the tools to act as early as possible on abnormal wind turbine behavior patterns regardless of the model and manufacturer. This enables organizations to reap a multitude of benefits, including a massive reduction of operation and maintenance complexity and costs, optimizing power output, asset health, and downtime. Turbit's AI continuously is improving with a growing customer base and failure database. Failure modes and solutions are automatically predicted by AI leading to high scalability and accuracy. Turbit is backed by Vinci Venture Capital to build a next-generation operating system for renewables. 

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